Bargaining Update #2

All SRU Members,

As you are aware your SRU Bargaining Committee has been meeting with the USW since December 2017.  We left our last session in April with the understanding that the institution would be meeting internally and be prepared to respond to our proposals and requested information at the next bargaining session scheduled for June 6 and 7, 2018.  

Prior to this meeting, in an effort to kick-start negotiations, your Bargaining Committee decided to make a comprehensive proposal addressing all outstanding issues both economic and non-economic.  We withdrew some of our proposals and modified others.  This offer was presented to the USW and the committee was hopeful that we would receive a comprehensive counter proposal.  

The employer responded to a couple of proposals, none of which had any major economic consequence.  In further discussions we repeated our displeasure with the pace of negotiations and the unpreparedness of our employer to respond to issues.  We reiterated that we were here to bargain in good faith and reach a fair collective bargaining agreement.  The Committee sternly relayed to the Institution that we expect them to be prepared to bargain in good faith and not ignore any of our proposals.  

Your Committee is extremely frustrated at the lack of progress and wants to thank you for your solidarity and support you have demonstrated during this trying process.  

As always if you have any questions, please contact your District Executive Board Members, your SRU Officers or a Member of the Bargaining Committee. 

In Solidarity,

SRU Bargaining Committee,

Steve Finnigan
Bryan Adamczyk
Pat Gallagher
Jeff Richardson
Lowell Alexander

Bargaining Update

All SRU Members,

The SRU bargaining committee has continued to meet with the employer since December 2017.

We started the bargaining process well in advance of the expiration of the collective agreement by surveying our members.  It gave us enough time to properly address and prioritize the issues our members have been experiencing since negotiating the last contract.

During this time, the SRU bargaining committee have had extensive discussions on the non-economic issues brought forward by our members with the employer.  

Items that have been discussed include but are not limited to:

•    Staffing assignments
•    Postings and transfers
•    Resource Technicians
•    Fleet and Vehicle Allowance
•    Travel
•    Maternity/Parental Leave

Health care for US members continues to be an issue and is one of the top priorities for the SRU bargaining committee.

While bargaining can be a long drawn out process, your committee is dedicated to taking the time needed to get the collective agreement members deserve. We will not rush into an agreement that does not meet members’ needs.

We thank you for the continued solidarity and resolve you’ve shown throughout this bargaining process. Our next set of dates are scheduled for June 6th and 7th and we will continue to keep the membership apprised as we work towards an agreement that our members deserve.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the SRU Executive Board with any questions or comments you may have and keep up to date by visiting our website,

In Solidarity,

SRU Bargaining Committee

Staff Representatives' Union Contributes $10,000 to Hurricane Harvey Relief

The Staff Representatives' Union (SRU), representing organizers, researchers, staff representatives and technicians employed by the United Steelworkers union in the U.S. and Canada, is contributing $10,000 to relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.

The SRU Executive Board voted unanimously to authorize the contribution, during an emergency teleconference meeting today.

“We stand in solidarity with families who are grieving the loss of loved ones and all those who are suffering from the disastrous effects of Hurricane Harvey,” said SRU President Steve Finnigan.

Since the 1960's the Staff Representatives' Union has been representing Staff Representatives, Organizers, Researchers and Technicians who are employed by the United Steelworkers union (USW).  More information about SRU can be found at


For further information:
Steve Finnigan, SRU President,

Bargaining Committee

During the June 2017 SRU Executive Board meeting the SRU Executive Board elected your bargaining committee for our upcoming round of negotiations.

In accordance with Article VIII, Section 1 of the SRU constitution; The Bargaining Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and two (2) additional members elected from within and by the Executive Board.

In addition to President Steve Finnigan, Vice-President Bryan Adamczyk and Secretary-Treasurer Gaylan Prescott; Jeff Richardson and Pat Gallagher were elected to the bargaining committee.

Over the next few weeks, the bargaining committee will be sending out electronic bargaining surveys to entire membership in order to solicit proposals.

Check back here often for updates and if you haven't yet, remember to sign up for your email address to stay up to date with negotiations.

Membership Meeting & Continental Breakfast

Join us for our SRU membership meeting.

Wednesday April 12, 2017

Continental Breakfast - 7:00 a.m.
Membership Meeting - 8:00 a.m.

MGM Grand Hotel - Las Vegas, Nevada
Conference Center
Level Three - Rooms 318 & 319

For your convenience, we have arranged to have a pre-registration booth for the distribution of SRU materials for the membership meeting. The details are as follows:

MGM Grand Hotel - Las Vegas, Nevada
Grand Ballroom - Foyer (Near Room 102)

Sunday April 9th - 12:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m.
Monday April 10th - 8:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m.

If you are unable to pre-register during these hours, you may register on Wednesday April 12th before the membership meeting.